Elderflower Syrup for Lemonade

One of my favorite drinks in summer is Elderflower Lemonade, made from an Elderflower Syrup also known as Elderflower squash or Elderflower cordial. This soft drink is refreshing thanks to the lemon but also has a delicate taste thanks to the Elderflowers.

Because of the high content of sugar, you can preserve this syrup and consume it in winter. From my experience, this one doesn’t get to see the autumn. Here is how I make it for my family:

Ingredients for about 2 l:

  • 20-25 big Elderflowers
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 l water
  • 2 big organic lemons
  1. I usually don’t wash the elderflowers when I get them from my garden. The syrup is going to be cooked and strained so it’s safe to be consumed. If you’re not sure about the origin of your elderflowers, shake each stem to remove bugs and gently wash them. Avoid getting them from the side of the road or from the lower branches.
    Elderflowers in a green strainer
  2. Cut the big stems of the flowers (they are lightly poisonous and don’t taste good). The small ones that hold the flowers are ok to use.
    Cleaned stems after the elderflowers were removed for making elderflower syrup.
  3. Wash the lemons and cut them in slices. I like to peel them in small pieces with a paring knife when I have the time. By doing so you don’t get the bitter taste of the white part of the lemon peel. Both options are fine.
  4. Put the water with sugar (and lemon peel if you chose to peel the lemons) in a pot and bring it to a boil.
    Water and sugar is boiled in a pot for making syrup.
    Water, sugar, lemon juice and lemon peel is boiled in a pot for making syrup.
  5. When the sugar is completely melted and the syrup starts boiling, turn off the stove and add the lemon juice (if you peeled the lemons) or the lemon slices and the elderflowers.
    Elderflowers with slices of lemons in a pot, for making elderflower syrup
  6. Cover it with a lid and let it cool down in a cool place for about 24-48 hours. The pot can also stay covered on the cold stove for up to 2 days. It can be kept until about 5-7 days in the fridge but the flavor may change and become a little bitter.
    Boiled elderflowers with slices of lemons in a pot, for making elderflower syrup
  7. Strain the syrup, bring it to a boil, turn off the stove and put it in sterilized bottles. Thanks to the high amount of sugar, it will not go bad fast so it’s enough if you just rinse the bottles with boiling water.
    Strained elderflower syrup before being boiled
  8. Store it in a cold dry place. If kept unopened in a cold place, it will last up to one year. In the pantry, unopened, it will last a couple of months.
    Bottles of homemade Elderflower syrup/cordial/squash for Elderflower Lemonade

Because it’s a concentrated syrup, for a delicious lemonade you will need to dilute it with still or sparkling water. I usually use a 1:5 ratio which means 1 part syrup and 5 parts water, plus ice cubes but you can use any ratio to fit your taste (I recommend anything between 1:5 – 1:10 ). You can also add fresh lemon juice. You can also use this syrup for flavoring alcoholic drinks.

Elderflower Lemonade made from elderflowers and lemon
Elderflower Lemonade made from elderflowers and lemon

I also make Elderflower Confiture in the same time.
Elderflower confiture